Techspressionist Salon 74 – Taking Stock: Open Mic – September 7, 2023

What is the future and direction of Techspressionism, and how do we incorporate things we haven’t done yet, moving forward?


Lee Schnaiberg // Montreal CA
Michael Pierre Price // Phoenix AZ USA


00:06:53 Anton MCHX // Moscow, Russia
00:23:52 Cynthia Beth Rubin // New Haven, CT USA
00:38:19 Tommy Mintz // NYC NY USA
01:09:53 Sahar Moussavi // Tehran, Iran
01:15:09 Susan Detroy // Eugene OR USA
01:22:21 Lee Schnaiberg // Montreal CA

Techspressionist Salons are bi-weekly artist meetups where artists can present their work and discuss matters relating to art and technology. They are attended by artists listed in our Techspressionist Visual Artists Index and are also open to interested individuals on our mailing listThe First Techspressionist Salon was held on September 1, 2020, and included artists Colin Goldberg, Patrick Lichty, Steve Miller and Oz Van Rosen, as well as group advisor Helen Harrison.  During this session, the working definition of Techspressionism was decided upon by the participants as: An artistic approach in which technology is utilized as a means to express emotional experience.”