Victor Acevedo, Red Shadow, 2017-2021. Digital video, 1920×1080 pixels, duration: 1:32.
Red Shadow is a ‘micro’ surrealistic narrative. It is a hybrid of animation and video captured at different times and locations. I create imagery with technology, primarily digital art tools, which combine an expressive subjectivity with the inexorable neutrality of geometrical structure. I believe this fits nicely into the definition of Techspressionism.
Victor Acevedo is an artist best known for his digital print work and video. His current focus is producing electronic visual music works. His imagery has a metaphysical bent, expressed with geometrical abstraction, sometimes with figuration. His video work explores the perceptual implications of synesthesia and is influenced by Sacred geometry as well as the geometry of Buckminster Fuller’s Synergetics.
Victor Acevedo interviewed by Colin Goldberg, January 7, 2022.