Deann Stein Hasinoff, Free VII, 2021. Digital drawing. NFS.

Deann Stein Hasinoff, Free III, 2021. Digital drawing. NFS.

Deann Stein Hasinoff, Free IV, 2021. Digital drawing. NFS.

Deann Stein Hasinoff, Free V, 2021. Digital drawing. NFS.

Deann Stein Hasinoff, Free VI, 2021. Digital drawing. NFS.

Deann Stein Hasinoff, Free II, 2021. Digital drawing. NFS.
These calligraphic artworks were born from the idea of creating work using line only, and then evolved into the challenge of simplifying while still maintaining the sense of an image. For me there is an inherent experimentation of expression in the digital realm which I did not experience when using traditional art materials. I enjoy the challenge of translating the idea within the parameters offered by a particular application, embracing the glitches or artifacts inherent to each one.
Deann Stein Hasinoff is an abstract Canadian artist using apps and photography to create her work. Her themes centre on making the invisible visible, originally influenced by her work with adults with brain injury and then by her own experiences with chronic illness and anxiety. Automatic drawing is an integral part of the process; a bridge between the unconscious and conscious self. Stein Hasinoff seeks to bring to the fore subjects not often a part of every day conversation.