Verneda Lights, Falling, 2018, Digital photography/ photomontage, 27.1″ x 36″, 1/10, 8158 x 10800 px.
“Falling” is a photomontage. It depicts the state of (almost) perpetual vertigo, triggered by tragic life events. Anxiety is the emotion it portrays. I created this artwork by merging my self-portrait with a photo composite, composed of 30 photos taken by European Space Agency’s Huygens probe, during its descent to Titan. The photo composite was taken during the Cassini-Huygens probe joint NASA ESA venture. Credit: ESA/NASA/JPL/University of Arizona
Verneda Lights is a visual artist, photographer, performance poet, author, retired physician and griot of South Carolina’s Gullahgeechee Nation. Her body of work spans from digital to traditional fine art and surface pattern design. Her most recent work focuses on traditional and abstract portraiture as a tool for storytelling and stress management in caregiving settings. Her work has been exhibited at Albrecht-Kemper Museum of Art,, Edward M Kennedy Institute, and Harlem Fine Arts Show.