Bernard Bousquet, 4054, 2021. Digital still image, 9302 X 6977 pixels, unique. NFS.

Bernard Bousquet, 4170, 2021. Digital still image, 11398 X 8548 pixels, unique. NFS.

Bernard Bousquet, 4334, 2021. Digital still image, 8798 X 6598 pixels, unique. NFS.
Bernard Bousquet combines old and new technologies without dogmatism. The analog technique of screen printing allows him to control the predictable and unpredictable deposit of pigments. Digital and generative design, along with a few mathematical formulas and computer code, allow for the manipulation of chance. This is a way of introducing contingency, which creates a correspondence to the couple perfection/imperfection of the analog phase.
Bernard Bousquet lives and works in Paris. He has always painted “a so-called abstract painting, non-figurative, non-representative and devoid of any narrative outline”. Bernard Bousquet offers his paintings as so many experiences for the eye. The artist regularly collaborates with other artists, dancers, and musicians. Bousquet is a co-founder of the Générateur, along with Anne Dreyfus.