Techspressionist Salon #44:
East End Tech

Conversations with selected artists based on the East End of Long Island participating in the exhibition Techspressionism: Digital and Beyond at Southampton Arts Center

Steve Miller

Featured Artists:
Suzanne Anker
Roz Dimon
Frank Gillette
Carol Hunt
Roy Nicholson
Dalton Portella
Christine Sciulli
Dan Welden
Nina Yankowitz
John Zieman

Techspressionist Salons are bi-weekly artist meetups where artists can present their work and discuss matters relating to art and technology. They are attended by artists listed in our Techspressionist Visual Artists Index and are also open to interested individuals on our mailing listThe First Techspressionist Salon was held on September 1, 2020, and included artists Colin Goldberg, Patrick Lichty, Steve Miller and Oz Van Rosen, as well as group advisor Helen Harrison.  During this session, the working definition of Techspressionism was decided upon by the participants as: An artistic approach in which technology is utilized as a means to express emotional experience.”