Techspressionism: Digital and Beyond Artist Statement by Christine Sciulli

Christine Sciulli, Intercepting Planes T, 2022. Site specific installation. 20’x20’x 15’. 3 channel HD video projection onto mason’s string. Photos by Tycho Burwell.
My ongoing series Intercepting Planes utilizes digitally created single-pixel animated lines of white light in collision with a handcrafted site-specific network of mason’s string. When these virtual lines of light are cast into physical space by projection, they become rotating planes. Where planes of light are intercepted by straight lines of string, points of light are caught in space. These roving points of light seem imbued with autonomy but are bound by the laws of physics to move in lock-step with the invisible planes of light in which they are inextricably bound.
Christine Sciulli
April 2022
View this artist’s work included in the exhibition here.