Hello Chelsea // Techspressionism 2025

exhibition | artists | reel

Cynthia Beth Rubin

Location: Hudson Guild Gallery, 441 W. 26th Street, New York, NY 10001

Dates: April 30 – June 25, 2025

Opening Reception:  Wednesday, April 30, 5:30 PM – 7:00 PM

Viewing Hours:  Tuesdays-Fridays, 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM, Saturdays, 12:00 PM – 3:00 PM. Closed May 22 – May 26

Information: 212-760-9837

Subway: C, E, to 23rd Street in Manhattan

Image: Diatom Collage in Red and Yellow by Cynthia Beth Rubin

Hello Chelsea - Techspressionism 2025 Partners

Diatom Collage in Red and Yellow by Cynthia Beth Rubin

Location: Hudson Guild Gallery, 441 W. 26th Street, New York, NY 10001

Dates: April 30 – June 25, 2025

Opening Reception:  Wednesday, April 30, 5:30 PM – 7:00 PM

Viewing Hours:  Tuesdays-Fridays, 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM, Saturdays, 12:00 PM – 3:00 PM. Closed May 22 – May 26

Information: 212-760-9837

Subway: C, E, to 23rd Street in Manhattan

Image: Diatom Collage in Red and Yellow by Cynthia Beth Rubin

Hello Chelsea - Techspressionism 2025 Partners



Hudson Guild Gallery is delighted to present Hello, Chelsea! // Techspressionism 2025, a group exhibit of digital artists curated by artist and Kingsborough College Professor Tommy Mintz. This show follows in the footsteps of the first museum exhibition of Techspressionist works, also curated by Mintz, Hello Brooklyn: Techspressionism 2024, held at the Kingsborough Art Museum in Brooklyn last summer.

Techspressionism is an art movement that merges technology with expressionism. It emphasizes the use of digital tools and techniques to create emotionally charged, subjective, and often abstract artworks. The term combines “technology” and “expressionism,” reflecting the movement’s focus on leveraging modern tech to convey deep emotional experiences and personal perspectives. The movement is guided by a core group of artists who meet online in monthly Salons to share their work and discuss ideas related to art and technology. It is also a widely used hashtag on social media, used on over 80k Instagram posts by artists worldwide since the formulation of the artist group in 2021.

Helen Harrison, the longtime director of the Pollock-Krasner House in East Hampton, New York, notes, “The search for effective means of visualizing subjective, intangible content goes back to the early 20th-century expressionists. Jackson Pollock and his generation took it to new levels of abstraction. The Techspressionists are carrying it forward, using innovative tools and techniques to communicate their personal visions. Techspressionist imagery generates its own aura, deriving its authenticity from the artist’s intention.”

Techspressionism has gained attention in the years following the pandemic as digital art became more prominent. It represents a fusion of traditional expressionist principles with the possibilities offered by modern technology.

Hello, Chelsea! // Techspressionism 2025 presents over 100 expressive, innovative works from artists spanning over 20 countries. The exhibit will be open to the public at Hudson Guild Gallery from April 30th to June 25th, 2025. An opening reception will be held on Wednesday, April 30th, from 5 to 7 p.m.


Founded in 1895, Hudson Guild currently provides services to more than 14,000 people each year in six main programmatic areas: Arts, Early Childhood Education, Youth Development and Education, Older Adult Services, Mental Health Services and Community Building. Program participants come from a variety of cultural, ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds. For more information visit www.hudsonguild.org and follow them on Facebook and Twitter.


Arts at Hudson Guild have been successful in helping to build a stronger community in Chelsea since 1895, bringing together people of diverse backgrounds to share their mutual interests in both performing and visual arts. Hudson Guild Gallery (opened in 1948) and Guild Gallery II (opened in 2001) offer different ways for people in the Guild community to explore the visual arts, especially those who might not otherwise have such opportunities. Some exhibits of work by professionally trained artists are organized around work which educates viewers about an wide range of styles and forms; or work which explores cultural themes of special relevance to the local community. Other exhibits provide opportunities to anyone in the community to show their own artwork in group shows. Guided tours throughout the year serve to educate viewers of all ages about contemporary art, fostering dialogue about the work on display and art in general. Tolerance and understanding increase as artists and viewers share ideas about art and life.

exhibition | artists | reel

Hello Chelsea // Techspressionism 2025